Booking Update
Airship allows partners to update bookings within the airship platform, to enable booking updates / cancelations / no shows to be updated.
To update a booking, you'll need an Airship booking ID to be passed in the URL, which can be found from the booking search.
Path Parameters
Field | Notes |
| The booking ID is Airships unique reference for the booking, and represents the booking that you are attempting to update. The booking ID can be found via the Booking Search endpoint |
Field | Notes |
| The authentication token is linked to the account that you are searching bookings in. If you are unsure of what your Authentication token is, ask our support team to confirm. More details on authentication can be found here |
Query parameters
The booking fields which can be accepted in this section can be found in the Append Booking Data section, with the addition of account_id
Field | Notes |
| The account ID represents the account that you are searching bookings in. If you are unsure of what your account ID is, ask our support team to confirm. |
Basic update booking payload
Last updated