Append WiFi data

Store WIFI Interaction history as you send contact data to us


Airship can store WIFI interaction history for each contact.

Having WIFI data attached to contacts is useful to measure and target recent or lapsed visitors based on their last visit.

Storing WIFI interactions

To store WIFI interactions, simply append a wifi_interactions object to your contact as you send it to us.

Example Payload

"account_id": 3,
"email": "",

    "wifi_interactions" :[
            "datetime":"2022-01-01 12:00:00",
            "unit_id": "4",
            "type": "authenticated",
            "hotspot_name": "Bar 01",
            "mac_address": "01:A1:C1:11:C1:11",
            "device_mime_type": "Airship Splash page"

Last updated