Append booking data


Airship can store full table booking history for each contact.

Having booking data attached to contacts is useful to measure and target recent or lapsed visitors based on their last visit.

Storing bookings

To store booking history, simply append a bookings object to your contact as you send it to us. All new and updated bookings can use the same endpoint / payload - Airship will determine if the booking is a New booking, or an Update to an existing booking based on if we have the Booking_reference stored against another reservation.

"account_id": 3,
"email: "",

"bookings" : [
        "source_id"          : 1, // Website, In-house etc.
        "party_size"         : 10, // how many guests in this booking
        "stage_value"        : 1, // New, complete, cancelled etc 
        "type_id"            : 2, // General booking, Birthday etc.
        "unit_id"            : 67, 
        "party_datetime"     : "2021-04-27 20:30:00", // seated date
        "party_enquirytime"  : "2021-04-27 21:00:06", // enquiry date
        "deposit_paid"       : 0, // if applicable
        "hpbr_drink"         : 0, // deposit split against drink
        "hpbr_food"          : 0, // deposit split against food
        "hpbr_entertainment" : 0, // deposit split against entertainment
        "booking_reference"  : "4355-GH3TG-AERA", // unique booking reference for booking
        "provider_id"        : 5, // this ID is unique to the partner - see your airship contact
        "table_numbers": [
        "data": {
            "element_01"     : "juice",   // dynamic field content that can be stored against reservation
        "notes" : [ // optional notes
                "note" : "Test note on bookingID 5",
                "time  : "2021-04-27 21:00:06"

What are data_elements?

Data elements can store any alphanumeric string, so are, in effect, placeholders for any custom data you wish to store. Airship can store up to 20 data element fields against a reservation which aren't covered in the native fields.

Last updated